
Smartest Choices for the Family Legal Issues

The father and mother of a child have parental authority. They must fulfill their duties to their offspring. They must take care of the person and the property of the minor child. Regardless of their marital status, parental authority remains. It is also valid for the adopter, whether the adoptee is of simple or full parentage. The withdrawal of parental authority, partial or total, is attributed to one of the parents only in case of serious fault on his part. The child can be returned after a year if the conditions have changed. In case of the AG Law Divorce support also you can have the best option now.

The rules that govern birth

In addition to the establishment of the various acts developed above, consider the possibility of the death of the child at birth. There are two cases: either the child is said to be “born alive and viable”, or he is a “lifeless child”.

  • The first case concerns the child who died before his birth was declared. Parents will have to provide a medical certificate that will indicate that their offspring are “born alive and viable”. In this room, they will indicate the time and day of his birth as well as those of his death. It will be up to the registrar to establish both his birth certificate and his death certificate. Note that the child must be included in the family record book.

Let’s move on to the second case. The child is declared lifeless in the act of child, an act established by the registrar if he is stillborn or if he is born alive but deceased, therefore unsustainable before the declaration of birth. He will always be registered in the family booklet, but without family name and without any link of descent. The doctor or midwife who has registered the death must establish a medical certificate of birth giving the place where the mother gave birth, the day and time of delivery.

Divorce and its consequences

Nowadays, manners relax with morality, dragging with them the right. More and more households are dissolved. In France, a third of marriages today end in divorce. This legal institution that leads to the public proclamation that ex-husbands and wives are no longer so is now accepted in all nations, even the most Catholic.

The divorce proceedings

The divorce, including the decision, belongs only to the spouses. It’s personal. Nobody can interfere. The competent court is the place of residence of the family if the spouses cohabit. Otherwise, it will be the part where the minor children reside. In the absence of a minor child and common domicile, the competent court will then be that of the place where the defendant lives. The competent judge is usually the Family Court Judge. However, the High Court can still rule on divorce, because it has exclusive jurisdiction.

Divorce cannot be accomplished if one of the spouses dies. It’s the end of not receiving. The other purposes of inadmissibility against the petition for divorce are the non-existence of marriage, of course, and the existence of a divorce in the past.