If you have recently heard of the term court reporter, you might want to know what exactly it is about and what a court reporter does as a professional person. Whether you want to get into the field of court reporter services or you simply want t hire someone for your needs, you need to know what the term means and what kind of duties are involved in it.
A court reporter is the person hired to transcribe all the speeches made during legal proceedings. They are supposed to do this with the help of stenography. In simple words, a court reporter is a sort of journalist who attends the hearings at the court and makes reports on the proceedings. These reports must not be manipulated or else they can never be taken into consideration. If the reports are tweaked in any manner, it is unethical.
Duties of a court reporter:
- A court reporter writes down the things he hears during the court hearing. He is supposed to listen to every single thing in the correct manner so that his reports are accurate and not manipulated in any manner. The things that are spoken during the hearings are supposed to be noted down by the court reporter.
- A court reporter needs to prepare the reports with loyalty, honesty and no biasness at all. He needs to favor neither of the parties fighting the case.
- A court reporter is an internal part of the hearing process taking place between important people at the curt.
- A court reporter needs to record the things being spoken at the court. Then, he is supposed to make a legal report of the same.
Now that you know about the duties of a court reporter, if you want to be one, make sure you get the right education for the same.