
3 core ways that family lawyers are able to help you

If you end up in a messy legal situation resulting from the breakdown of your marriage or de facto relationship – you may want to consider hiring family lawyers to assist you. These dedicated legal practitioners are experts when it comes to disputes between ex-lovers and know the best way to help their clients reach a quick resolution that allows them to move on with the rest of their life.

You may not want to rely on an outside practitioner to help you, but this kind of expert is going to give you the best chance of getting an ideal outcome that allows you to enjoy the rest of your life without regret. The following will examine 3 ways that family lawyers are able to help you with your legal dispute.

1.   You can rely on them to negotiate for you

One of the primary utilities of best family lawyers is that they are able to conduct negotiations on your behalf with their counterpart representing the other party (your ex). You can tell them all about the details of your case and they will use this information during negotiation sessions to ensure that your needs and desires are met.

This can be particularly useful in helping you and your ex avoid a lengthy and costly court battle where you seek to undermine each other at every opportunity. Talented family lawyers are able to help two exes’, even those who seem to really hate one another, to put their emotional gripes aside and find the best possible path forward with a plan that’s mutually agreeable through processes such as alternative dispute resolution.

This is particularly important when there are children in the marriage, as they often inadvertently become the worst-affected victims of the split as their parents fight for custodial rights over them. A negotiated settlement that acknowledges the important of and actively seeks the best interests of the child is one reason why engaging professional family lawyers is recommended by the Australian court system.

2.   You can trust them with confidential information

All family lawyers are sworn to confidentiality, which means they are legally bound to never reveal anything that their client has told them that is meant to be a secret. This is why in criminal matters the accused can privately admit to their solicitor whether they are guilty or not without fear of it affecting their case – because in the eyes of the law it is about what is provable in court. Nobody would hire or trust solicitors if they were not sworn to confidentiality such that if they broke that trust they would end their career overnight.

Family lawyers are great at listening to their clients’ emotional spiel about their ex and picking out details that may be relevant to the case. The solicitor you hire does not care about who is right or wrong, their job is to help you walk away from the relationship with as much as you can get away with.

3.   Litigate on your behalf

Of course, if negotiations break down and there is no amicable way to arrange a settlement with following divorce or separation with your ex then it may be necessary to go to litigation and have the matter heard by a judge in court. Family lawyers are trained in how to represent their clients in a courtroom setting and work through court proceedings in an efficient manner.

Their job is to represent you so that you don’t need to have legal training to interact with the court system. It is almost impossible to win litigation without an experienced family lawyer at your side.