
3 reasons to engage an Idaho car accident attorney

After an unfortunate car crash, you are expected to act reasonably unless your injuries prevent you from doing so. If you (or someone else) are injured, call 911 and get medical attention immediately. Idaho state laws also require drivers to report an accident if there is death or injury involved. If any of the involved vehicles have suffered considerable damage (estimated at $1,500 or more), you should report the crash. Call your insurance company and inform them of the accident. Consider talking to an Idaho car accident attorney before filing a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Below are three reasons why you need to hire a lawyer. 

  1. To deal with the insurance company. Insurance companies are not here to help claimants. Sadly, that’s one of the things that car accident victims learn much later. Once you give a statement to the insurance company, there isn’t much that you can do to increase your chances of getting a fair settlement. Insurance representatives often adhere to bad faith insurance tactics, and without an attorney, you might end up settling for a lot less. 
  2. To get expertise on your side. Insurance companies have top lawyers working for them, and the at-fault party would do anything to minimize what they pay in a settlement. Having a lawyer would mean having expertise on your side, and you would have a fair understanding of your legal decisions. Top attorneys have the experience to deal with accident claims and lend the emotional and legal support clients need. 
  3. To get help with representation in court. Car accident claims in Idaho are typically settled through talks and negotiations. Going to court could be an expensive option, but when the insurance company doesn’t pay a fair settlement, or the claim is denied, victims have limited options but to pursue a lawsuit. If you want to file a civil lawsuit for the accident case, you need a lawyer to represent you. 

Finally, hiring an accident lawyer is also about minimizing your work. You don’t want to deal with things like investigating the accident and gathering evidence at a time when you are grappling with injuries and financial losses. The good part is most personal injury attorneys, and accident lawyers in Idaho charge a contingency fee. Therefore, you don’t need a huge check right away to get legal help. Your attorney can offer a free and fair evaluation of your accident case.