
How to find the best Child Custody Lawyer for yourself?

Handling a divorce is a heartbreaking task. The situation becomes more overwhelming when children are involved. A Child custody lawyer help you in getting the custody of your child after your divorce. But how to find a trustworthy custody lawyer?

 Prepare yourself for your case.

Every custody lawyer knows the family laws as the custody laws are a part of it. But, not all lawyers are interested in the actual welfare of the child involved. The focus of many attorneys is to win the case. The target of a good lawyer is the child’s welfare. By preparing yourself for your lawsuit, you can ensure you hire a good lawyer.

Experience Favors.

When it comes to hiring an attorney, the experience is crucial. They should have experience in winning cases similar to yours. Can they handle cases involving family deaths, special needs children, or exes who have some serious bad blood? Ask for proof of the experiences.

Set a Money Limit.

A child’s welfare is priceless. But when it comes to a case, you need a money limit. After all, you need to be able to care for the child if you win the case. Compare the fees of multiple lawyers. Pay heed to billing practices too.

Enquire about the Attorney’s Reputation.

You can check an attorney’s reputation through many resources. You can check the website of the bar association or the law firms. For example, you can visit If you have single parents in your locality, the chances are that they can tell you about an attorney’s reputation.

Meet the Attorney.

By meeting personally, you can clear any doubts that you have regarding the attorney. Ask for fee structure and referrals. See if you both are compatible to work together.

Pro Bono Service.

All family courts have a network of attorneys who handle cases for free. It helps poor single parents to have a shot for the custody. He/she represents the client in the same way as a paid attorney does.

Observe the Conversation Skills of the Attorney.

You and the attorney don’t have to be best friends, but both of you should have a good rapport. The right custody lawyer will make efforts to understand your situation and your relationship with your child with compassion and patience. At the same time, he/she should be able to face the judges and opposing attorneys.

Search for a Lawyer who Practices in Local Court.

If your case goes across state lines, you should hire a custody lawyer fluent in state laws. But if your case doesn’t, you should consider a local child custody lawyer. Many clients assume that big city attorneys are best. But they forget that every court has its way of working, which the local attorney knows best.