Are you going through a rough phase where the debt collection agencies are sending you notices? Being not in a financial position to pay the debt can be scary. However, there are specific laws that these debt collection agencies or individuals must follow, and these rules and regulations are termed as Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If there is any bridge between these laws, you can sue them. However, all of these may be a bit complicated, and only with the help of a debt collection defense attorney can you take the right steps.
Still, confused about whether to go for an attorney in Chicago? Have a look at the benefits of hiring a debt collection defense attorney Chicago:
Protection from Debt Collection Abuse
Are you receiving calls late at night? Or, maybe you cannot focus on your work due to the continuous calls from the debt collector during your working hours. Perhaps they are using obscene language too. They have started calling your friends and family too. If you are facing such instances, this is entirely against the FDCPA laws, and by getting in touch with the debt collection defense attorney, you will receive protection from the abuse.
Know the Laws
As a layperson, it is apparent that you are not aware of the FDCPA laws. Therefore, to ensure whether the debt collector is following the rules and regulations coming under FDCPA, reaching out to a debt collection defense attorney is the best option.
Obtain Compensation
To your good news, if the debt collection defense attorney finds out that the debt collector is not following the FDCPA laws, you are entitled to receive compensation in some cases.
Be Aware of Your Rights
You enjoy certain consumer rights, and you are not even aware of that. As you get in touch with a debt collection defense attorney, you become aware of your rights. You can use this awareness against the harassment and abuse by a debt collector.
Get The Best Legal Help
A debt collection defense attorney is well aware of all the laws related to debt collection, and they are the best legal help you can get.
To sum up, if you are in any situation where you feel you are facing debt collection abuse, reach out to a debt collection defense attorney without a second thought. Abuse is never acceptable, and you must raise your voice against it with the best legal help.