
Better Understanding a Securities Attorney 

When any legal cases have to do with securities, it is a securities lawyer or attorney that takes that up. As well as representing clients for different security issues they will also advise them on their legal rights when it comes to any of their investments. He or she can also offer vital services in arbitration. So if you are a victim of fraud, or see something odd happening with your securities find reputable Chicago securities attorneys.

Types of securities

You can get different types of securities. Ones issued from companies, large corporations or the government even, such as debentures, bonds, and stocks. Each has different terms and conditions on ownership and terms of payment. These are paid either as a dividend or in a final transaction. The type of transactions for final payments, interest, and dividends can all have different irregularities that lead to the buyer not getting the benefits at all. There can also be securities fraud that causes the loss. Investors can lose the complete investment in these cases. That then needs to be handled by a securities attorney.

Actions taken by a securities law firm

Broking firms, individual brokers and such might need a securities attorney if they have illegally undertaken things such as;

  • Market manipulation
  • Insider trading
  • Broker negligence
  • Embezzlement
  • Fraud

A securities lawyer will offer advice, help with litigation and trial, representation and details of compensation.

Brokers and the corporate world

A lot of types of law cross over with investments and securities so Chicago securities attorneys need to be very familiar with those laws. In the US, state law and federal law regulates securities. SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission administer federal securities. Two important laws an attorney should understand concerning federal securities are the 1940 Investment Advisers Act and also the same year Investment Company Act.

In general, most complaints are against brokers who have committed one of the above acts. Other securities irregularities include;

  • Industry scandals
  • Illegal funds
  • Fund breakpoint failure
  • Illegal sales practices
  • Trading schemes
  • Shady accounting

Unfortunately, the incidents of complaints being made against brokers are on the rise and so securities attorneys are needed more and more. It is also true that more brokers that have complaints filed against them for breaking policies and rules are pushing back.


Looking for a securities law firm in your area is not that hard. Do a search online and you will see a list of options that you can then read through and consider. When deciding on an attorney always check into the obvious things like real qualifications, allowed to practice in the area you are in, real experience with the concerns you have. Meet with them to get a feel for their knowledge and professionalism.