
How Can I Protect My Car During Hurricane Season?

It is officially hurricane season in Florida, so it is time to start taking precautions. While nothing we do can prevent a hurricane from coming, having a plan, and taking action early means that in the event that a storm does come, you will be in the best possible position to evacuate or recover from the damage. Your vehicle is an important part of any hurricane plan, as it will likely be how you evacuate once you are notified of a hurricane coming. The following are some tips to ensure that you and your vehicle are in the best spot possible should a natural disaster occur.

Tips for Protecting Your Car From a Hurricane

  • Keep the gas tank full. Even though gas prices are high right now, it is important to make sure that your car always has a full tank. This is because there are often fuel shortages leading up to hurricanes, and it may not be possible to get the gas that you need to evacuate once everyone else is also running to the gas pumps. Keeping your gas tank full makes it possible to evacuate even on short notice and in the face of fuel shortages, so start making a habit of topping off your tank on your way home or after running errands. It may seem like a bit of a pain now, but it could save your life later.
  • Protect your registration and insurance information. Your vehicle registration and insurance information are often kept in your car, so as a starting point, make sure that you know where they are. You should also keep them in a water proof container, and make copies that you keep outside of your car in case the originals are ruined by flooding or water damage.
  • Have photo documentation of the pre-storm condition of your car. Right now, while your car is in good condition, go and take pictures of the interior and exterior. This will be critical if your car is damaged in a hurricane and you need to file an insurance claim, as it will allow your insurance company to see what damage was actually caused by the storm.
  • If your car will have to withstand a hurricane, take precautions. If you will not be evacuating with your car, deflate the tires to reduce its buoyancy and the chance of it being swept away by flash floods. It is also best to move your car to an indoor garage, if possible, to allow it additional protection. You can also tape up the windows to reduce damage if they should shatter, and to keep water out which would cause further damage to the interior.

Call Ged Lawyers, LLP Today to Schedule a Consultation

If your car has been seriously damaged in a Florida hurricane and you are struggling to get the insurance coverage that you are entitled to, the insurance claims and disaster attorneys at Ged Lawyers, LLP are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and find out how we can help you get the coverage that you deserve.