If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may want to contact a New York City construction accident lawyer. They can help you file a complaint with OSHA, the federal agency that regulates workplace safety. OSHA laws state that employers are not allowed to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint. If your employer has retaliated against you because you filed a complaint, you can file a retaliation claim.
Compensation for construction accident injuries
If you or someone you know has suffered a construction accident, you might want to seek compensation for your injuries. Although money can’t make the pain go away, it can ease some of your financial burden. Serious injuries can leave you unable to work, and multiple doctor visits can leave you with enormous medical bills. Contacting a construction accident attorney as soon as possible can help you avoid the financial hardship that comes along with your injuries.
As a construction worker, you are probably wondering how to pay your medical bills, deal with household expenses, and address other issues related to your accident. With the assistance of a skilled construction accident attorney, you can determine your best legal options. Listed below are some steps you can take to file a lawsuit. Before you file your lawsuit, you must notify the company where you work that you are injured. In New York, you must notify the company within 30 days of the incident.
Common causes of construction accidents in New York City
According to federal investigations, the majority of construction-related fatalities and injuries are preventable. These accidents occur because workers don’t have proper safety equipment or protocols. They’re also not provided with the right tools for the job. The following are common causes of construction accidents in New York City. Keep these factors in mind while working on your next construction project. These accidents can have severe consequences for everyone involved. These four causes are the most common in NYC construction accidents.
In New York City, many construction jobs are temporary, so workers are unfamiliar with the latest equipment. This lack of familiarity can be compounded by inadequate training. Construction workers with limited education and low-level experience are also at increased risk. Despite these factors, most construction accidents are preventable and are the result of negligence or violations of important safety standards. Construction sites must ensure that everyone who works on them wears protective gear.
Common lawsuits brought by construction accident lawyers in New York City
The first step in recovering compensation for a construction accident in New York City is to determine who was liable for the accident. Liability can fall on a different person depending on the circumstances, such as another employee, a supervisor, or the employer. For example, a worker may have discovered a damaged electrical wire, but the supervisor failed to address the problem. The worker suffered a serious electrocution injury as a result. The supervisor was negligent in failing to fix the electrical wire, which caused the accident.
A 57-year-old bridge painter suffered serious injuries during the demolition of a bridge. A beam fell on both of his legs, causing him to lose his right leg above the knee and his left leg below the knee. Another 38-year-old bridge painter was thrown from a man-lift, which rolled into an unguarded trench, leaving him with multiple injuries, including a fractured leg and wrist. This case resulted in multiple surgeries and extensive medical bills.
Cost of hiring a construction accident lawyer
Hiring a construction accident lawyer is a smart decision for anyone who is involved in a work-related accident. These attorneys can maximize your compensation by negotiating with insurance companies. With their experience and proven strategies, construction accident attorneys can maximize the compensation you receive for your injuries and losses. While these lawyers may cost a bit more than an in-house legal team, they will be more effective in proving the negligence that caused the accident.
Getting legal representation as soon as possible is crucial when dealing with a construction accident. The statute of limitations for filing a claim varies from state to state. Regardless, if you have been injured and need to cover your medical bills or lost wages, you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible. If your employer offers you a settlement before speaking to a lawyer, don’t sign it. This may not be in your best interest.